Monthly Archives: April 2016

Omer – Day 5

Barukh ata Adonay, Eloheynu Melekh ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’zivanu al s’firat haOmer.

Blessed be the Eternal God, Ruler of the universe, who makes us holy through Mitzvot and has commanded us to count the Omer.

Hayom yom hamishi laOmer.

Today is day 5 of the Omer.

Hod be Khesed – Gratitude within kindness; humility within love

We forget what to be grateful for. There are big issues to be dealt with – deadlines, finances, housework, assignments, and so much more. So, we worry and we fret and we forget that there are miracles. Someone I love being alive for another day is a miracle. Being free of pain is a miracle. Having medications that remove pain is also a miracle. Someone smiling at me, someone saying hello, someone holding me – these are all miracles of kindness. I forget, and then something happens and I realize how small and unimportant it all is. All that matters is the love we share, and the few brief snatches of kindness we can offer each other in the midst of the short, crazy whirlwind that our lives consist of. When I remember, I feel grateful for what I have – I know it’s just mine for the moment, and I may as well appreciate it as a kindness from God.

My mother-in-law whom I love very much is ill with metastatic cancer. She is a strong beautiful woman who shares love and kindness with every action she takes. I am grateful to have had her in my life.

Omer – Day 4

Barukh ata Adonay, Eloheynu Melekh ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’zivanu al s’firat haOmer.

Blessed be the Eternal God, Ruler of the universe, who makes us holy through Mitzvot and has commanded us to count the Omer.

Hayom yom revi’i laOmer.

Today is day 4 of the Omer.

Netzakh be Khesed – Power within kindness; conquest within love

It’s about self-care, this day – at least for me. I try to take care of myself, but it’s the first thing to go when times get busy and when I get overwhelmed. I start saying, “I’ll journal later.” “Who needs sleep?” “I need a treat to keep going.” I let my yetzer ha-ra run wild, and ignore any limits on bad habits. Hey, I’m under a lot of pressure right now, you know. I waste more time than I would have engaging in basic acts of self-care. The conquest I need is conquest over panic, over poor decision making, over my addictive time-wasting behaviours. The power I need is the power to make kind choices, not just for others but for myself as well. Today, I will strive to put my needs ahead of whims or panic. That would be a true victory of love.

Omer – Day 3

Barukh ata Adonay, Eloheynu Melekh ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’zivanu al s’firat haOmer.

Blessed be the Eternal God, Ruler of the universe, who makes us holy through Mitzvot and has commanded us to count the Omer.

Hayom yom shlishi laOmer.

Today is day 3 of the Omer.

Tiferet be Khesed – Beauty within kindness; grace within love

Sometimes, kindness is ugly. I’m sorry, but seriously. It’s not pretty when the person doing the kindness has that grim, grim look on her face, when the task was prefaced with a grumble and a “why am I always the one stuck doing that?” When the kindness is grudging or resentful, or even malicious, that kind of caring can actually hurt more than help. Yes, giving charity grudgingly might be a good thing – it’s on Maimonidies’ list after all, but it’s still ugly. When kindness is spontaneous, given whole heartedly and offered with grace, it can become beautiful. Today, I will strive to smile while I help others, so they know I mean what I do.

Omer – Day 2

Barukh ata Adonay, Eloheynu Melekh ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’zivanu al s’firat haOmer.

Blessed be the Eternal God, Ruler of the universe, who makes us holy through Mitzvot and has commanded us to count the Omer.

Hayom yom sheni laOmer.

Today is day 2 of the Omer.

Gevura be Khesed – Strength within kindness; might within love

Today, I acknowledge that being kind is something that occasionally takes strength. It’s making the quiet unappreciated choice to spend an extra few minutes helping someone even if there are many, many other things you’d rather be doing, even if there is laughter in the next room. I express gratitude that I have been blessed with people in my life who make that choice again and again. There is so much kindness in the little things people do for me that I am constantly amazed and gladdened by it. I know they work hard to accomplish it. Today, I strive to be strong and when the choice to be kind comes up, to make it even if I would rather do something more fun.

Omer – Day 1

Barukh ata Adonay, Eloheynu Melekh ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’zivanu al s’firat haOmer.

Blessed be the Eternal God, Ruler of the universe, who makes us holy through Mitzvot and has commanded us to count the Omer.

Hayom yom ehad laOmer.

Today is day 1 of the Omer.

Khesed be Khesed

It is day 1 of the Omer, kindness within kindness. Today, after two days of wonderful Seders, I celebrate! The kindness of people helping, of people accepting, of people enjoying what I offer when I run or host a Seder fills me with joy. The deeper kindness of people who have no reason or obligation to do this – who do this only because they love me – that fixes broken places and builds strong bridges. Today, as I start counting the Omer, I do so in joy.